Fleas & Ticks?

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Fleas & Ticks

On the off chance that you've got delighted in being outside within the warmer months together with your pet or have climbed within the woods, you most likely have experienced fleas or ticks along the way. Both are parasitic in nature, living on creatures bigger than themselves. Both ought to bolster on blood of their hosts and can transmit different infections. They will hitch a ride on you or your pet permitting them to get to your living space where the issue festers. Fleas are brownish dark to black, but ruddy dark when full of blood. They lean toward hairy creatures such as dogs, cats, rodents, and squirrels, but will see to you for a blood feast in the event that the opportunity presents itself. They can hop approximately 15 centimeters, which manages them the capacity to urge around very well. Most will be found adjacent pet resting zones. Eggs are stored between hairs of the creature or on the bedding fabric and are effortlessly shaken off. Ticks change in color by species and are regularly found close lush and exceedingly vegetated zones.

Cat Fleas

Color: Brownish-black to black, but reddish when filled with blood

Legs: 6

Size: Adult Fleas are about 3.18 mm

Identifying Characteristics: Strong hind legs which are used for jumping from host to host; bodies are hardened and compressed from side to side.

Characteristics of this insect:

  • Infestations get started in summertime, after pets come in contact with infested pets or while outside in infested areas
  • Have piercing-sucking mouthparts and they readily jump when trying to attach to a host. Flea bites are extremely irritating to pets
  • Fleas undergo complete metamorphosis. Adult male and females need blood meal before reproducing. Females, which lay approximately 4-8 egg after each blood meal, may lay up to 500 eggs during her lifetime.  These eggs are deposited between the hairs of the animal and hence, are easily shaken off onto nearby surroundings
  • Can remain in pupa stage for an extremely long period of time due to lack of host or vibratory conditions. Adults merge from pupa stage when stimulated by vibration and an increase in carbon dioxide, which indicates a host is present

Brown Dog Tick

Color: Reddish-brown in color, but when engorged, parts of the body change to gray-blue or olive


Size: about 3.18mm

Characteristics of this insect:

  • Found throughout the world
  • Most common species encountered indoors
  • Rarely attack humans, but can serve as vectors for Rocky Mountain spotted fever and several other disease organisms
  • Drops off host dog, seeking shelter to lay her mass of typically 1,000-3,000 tiny eggs
  • Eggs, under favorable conditions can hatch in 19-60 days; cycle can be completed in about 2 months but there are usually only 2-4 generations per year
  • Does not do well outdoors; prefers warm, dry conditions where dogs live

Blacklegged Deer Tick

Color: Body is orange-brown to reddish-brown and the legs are dark reddish-brown to black in color

Legs: 8

Size: Around 3.18mm 

Identifying Characteristics: Strong hind legs which are used for jumping from host to host; bodies are hardened and compressed from side to side.

Characteristics of this insect:

  • Of medical importance because it is an important vector of Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis
  • Life cycle can be completed in 2 years in nature, but it can be extended up to 4 years if hosts are scarce
  • Female can deposit about 3,000 eggs which hatch in 48 to 135 day and can be found through months June to September

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Don't Worry,
They're Not Like


[Sir shoots his pistol all over the ceiling of the cabin as the ticks crawl everywhere]

Sir: [Screaming] Stinkin’ bugs!